"Woman, thou hast two ears to hear the same sound, two eyes to perceive the same object, two hands to execute the same act. So, the Adoptive Science, the Science par excellence, is esoteric and exoteric. Esotericism constitutes the Thought. Exotericism constitutes the Power. Exotericism is neither learned, taught no given, it comes from on High.
By name and structure, The Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim is a combination of three Egyptian Rites: 1. the Primitive Rites of Paris, France (1721) and Philadelphes of Narbonne, France (1779), 2. the Rite of Misraim in Venice, Italy (1788) and 3. the Rite of Memphis of Montauban, France (1815). The three respective Rites were joined together and became one in the year 1881 by Grand Master Giuseppe Girabaldi.
The Sovereign Sanctuary is specific to the Rite of Memphis-Misraim and is the title for the governing body of the Rite and members up to the 95th Degree, which is headed by the Most Illustrious Sovereign Grand Conservator General. Those who have the 96th Degree or higher are governed by the Grand Aeropagus or Federation of Sovereign Sanctuaries of the World, which is headed by the Most Illustrious Grand Heirophant General Ad Vitam.
Secret Societies imitating Freemasonry, for the admission of females as members, were first organized in France during the early part of the 18th century and still exist there, and in many other parts of Europe, as a distinctive Rite. By the term, Masonry of Adoption,” or, “Adoptive Masonry,” we imply that system of forms and ceremonies, and explanatory lectures which communicated to certain classes of ladies who, from their relationship by blood of marriage or family, to Master Masons in good standing, are entitled to the respect and attention of the whole Fraternity. These ladies are said to be “adopted” into the Masonic Communion, because the systems of forms, ceremonies and lectures referred to, enable them to express their wishes and give satisfactory evidence of their claims, in a manner that no stranger to the Masonic family can do.
The French Adoptive Masonry is one hundred years older than the Order of Eastern Star. In consequence of the increasing popularity of the numerous Secret Societies which in their external organization and secret rites attempted an imitation of Freemasonry, the Grand Orient of France, in 1774, established a new formal system called the “Rite of Adoption,” which was placed under their control. Rules and regulations were then formed. A Lodge of Adoption under these regulations was opened at Paris in May 1775, under the patronage of the Lodge of St. Anthony, when Duchess of Bourbon presided and was installed as Grand Mistress of Adoption.
Most Powerful Queen-Sovereign Grand Crowned Eishet Chayil
Illustrious Sovereign Grand Master
Very Powerful Princess - Illustrious Supreme Grand Sister Inspectress
Supreme Grand Senior Warden
Very Powerful Princess - Illustrious Supreme Grand Sister Depositres
Supreme Grand Junior Warden
Very Powerful Princess - Illustrious Supreme Grand Sister Orator
Very Powerful Princess - Illustrious Supreme Grand Sister Treasurer
Very Powerful Princess - Illustrious Supreme Grand Sister Secretary
Very Powerful Princess - Illustrious Supreme Grand Sister of Eloquence
Very Powerful Princess - Illustrious Supreme Grand Sister Conductress of Ceremonies
Very Powerful Princess - Illustrious Supreme Grand Sister Introductress
Right Illustrious Supreme Grand Sentinel
Most Powerful Queen Ebony Spencer Geddis
Right Illustrious Klein Dolcine, 33°/95°
Very Powerful Princess Celeste Jefferson
Very Powerful Princess Shemida Turner
Very Powerful Princess Amanda Deaver
Very Powerful Deltrise Sanford
Very Powerful Letrice Jones
Very Powerful Kathy Sanford
Very Powerful Trendi ANGuyen
Very Powerful Artraniese McCarter
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