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Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote and advance the Cryptic Degrees nationally through education, effective leadership and guidance that Dares to be Different; all while illuminating the legitimacy of the Cryptic Council within our York Rite Bodies. Additionally, our work is in careful symbiotic agreement and promotion of our Adoptive Rite, the Ladies Circle of Perfection.

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During the months of July and August of 2004, impromptu discussions were had between Sir Knights Kevin E. Fair, Anthony R. Pugh, Kirk D. Washington, and David Mayo regarding the Cryptic Degrees. As years passed, these discussions continued and even intensified, to include others familiar with the work as well as the necessity in properly completing the “Circle of Perfection.” We knew that there were other jurisdictions practicing the Cryptic Degrees as an independent entity and saw no legitimate reason why we could not and should not do the same. During this period, discussions were made with Past Eminent Commander Joseph S. McFadden, Sr. (PGM), Past Eminent Commander Obie S. Ellison (PGM) and Past Eminent Commander Albert W. Hale. All also affirmed that it is a necessary part to the York Rite and should be practiced as a separate department.

In August 2010, the Supreme Most Eminent Grand Master Anthony R. Pugh of the General Grand Encampment of Knights Templar appointed Sir Knight Kevin E. Fair as the National Coordinator for the Cryptic Degrees. He assigned several of his elected officers to assist in the organizational process for local Councils in varied states/regions. Local Councils were formed commencing in 2011(with the written approval of the Jurisdictional Grand Masters) in New York and Illinois, and they began to vastly increase their respective memberships.

Between 2011 and 2012, Empire State Grand Council of New York and Josiah Grand Council of Illinois were organized. As “Cryptic Masonry” continued its growth, in 2014, Houston Texas was the next explosive city. Shortly thereafter, Shamgar Grand Council of Texas was formed. This led to the discussion of a Supreme Cryptic Council within our affiliated Supreme Departments. After a meeting with the respective Grand Officers from the varying states, in April 2014, the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the U.S.A. was organized.

On August 13, 2015, the General Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the U.S.A. under the leadership and authority of the Supreme Most Eminent Grand Master Anthony R. Pugh, supported by his Deputy Grand Master – Right Eminent Kirk D. Washington and the officers and members did grant a CHARTER to the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the U.S.A. Inc. empowering it to work as an independent York Rite Department. The three principle officers of this new entity were: Companion Kevin E. Fair – Supreme Most Puissant Grand Master, Companion Richard Ashford – Supreme Deputy Grand Master, and Companion Rickey Fillmore- Supreme Grand Principal Conductor of the Work.

On May 21, 2016, the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of the U.S.A. Inc., became a founding and official member of the General Grand York Rite Council of the U.S.A.

This General Grand Council has been continually moving forward with fervency and zeal. It is our fervent prayer that as we progress in this Masonic work, we are a continued helping hand to others, less fortunate than us.

Supreme Grand Council Officers

Supreme Most Puissant Grand Master

Supreme Grand Deputy Master

Supreme Grand Principal Conductor of the Work

Supreme Grand Special Assistants

Supreme Grand Special Assistants

Supreme Grand Treasurer

Supreme Grand Assistant Treasurer

Supreme Grand Recorder

Supreme Grand Captain of the Guard

Supreme Grand Conductor of the Council

Supreme Grand Steward

Supreme Grand Sentinel

Supreme Grand Chaplain

Supreme Grand Marshal


Companion Brian K. Jasper II

Right Puissant Companion Shaler S. Davis Jr.

Right Puissant Companion John C. Newsom

Right Puissant Companion Anthony B. Pugh

Right Puissant Companion Kirk D. Washington

Right Puissant Companion Anthony Pierce

Right Puissant Companion Laron Curtis

Right Puissant Companion Bryan K. Johnson

Right Puissant Companion Earnest M. Sistrunk

Right Puissant Companion Mark Mack

Right Puissant Companion Martin Stallworth

Right Puissant Companion Germal Jones

Right Puissant Companion 

Right Puissant Companion

State of Texas

State of Illinois

State of Illinois

State of Illinois

State of New York

State of Illinois

State of Texas

State of Texas

State of New York

State of New York

State of Ohio

State of Texas

State of

State of

Grand Councils

Empire State Grand Council

Josiah Grand Council

Shamgar Grand Council

New York, New York


Houston, Texas

Subordinate Councils

Moses Hooks Council No. 1

O.C. Patton Council No. 1

Adoniram Council No. 1

Enoch Council No. 4

Ezekiel Council No. 1

Melchizedek Council #1

Loyalty Council No. 20


Leonard D. Jackson Council

Bell Chance Council No. 1

Solomon Council No. 2

Broken Triangle Council No. 3

Luxor Council No. 14

Tennesse Council No. 16

Que Melton Council No. 2

Sunset Council No. 3

Carl Walker Jr. Cryptic Council No. 1

Carlton Land Council No. 4

State of Arkansas

State of Arkansas

State of Illinois

State of Illinois

State of Illinois

State of Illinois

State of Michigan

State of Mississippi

State of New York

State of New York

State of New York

State of Ohio

State of Tennessee

State of Texas

State of Texas

State of Texas

State of Texas



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