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Mission Statement

Our mission is to promote & advance the Cryptic Degrees nationally, through education, effective leadership & guidance, that dares to be different; all while illuminating the legitimacy of the Cryptic Councils within our York Rite Bodies. Our mission also works in careful symbiotic agreement and promotion of our Adoptive Rite, the Ladies Circle of Perfection.

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As a formal body, the Ladies Circle of Perfection was established as the Adoptive Rite for the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, USA, Inc., by the Supreme Most Puissant Grand Master, Kevin E. Fair; with the support and approval of Jurisdictional Grand Masters in March of 2018, Genesis Royal Court #1 was opened in Chicago, Illinois, and Zipporah Court #1 opened in New York, New York. In April of 2018, respectively in Houston and Dallas, Texas; Tirzah Court #1, Milcah Royal Court #2, Noa Court #3 and Hoglah Royal Court #4 were formed and organized Deborah Grand Royal Court in Houston, Texas.

After further national development, and with the support and approval of Jurisdictional Grand Masters, Miriam Court #1 was opened in Cleveland, Ohio, Makeda Court #1 was opened in Memphis, Tennessee, and Queen Diane Court #1 was opened in Detroit, Michigan.

In Buffalo, New York, on August 12, 2019, at the 101st Biennial Session of the General Grand Masonic Congress of Grand Masters and Past Grand Masters, the Supreme Grand Chapter O.E.S., and the 3rd Biennial Session of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, USA, Inc., the Supreme Grand Court, Ladies Circle of Perfection was officially organized.

About Supreme R.P.M Meredith J. Beach

My journey in the Order began in May 1995 with my initiation into Bright Star #322 Order of Eastern Star, College Station, AR. As a member of Bright Star, I have served in various positions such as chapter Secretary, Treasurer, Associate Matron and Worthy Matron. I also served as Supervisor to the youth group, Genesis Field of Moral #1.


Locally, I have served as Treasurer, Associate Royal Matron and Royal Matron in Royal Lady Gertrude Ct #5, of the Royal and Exalted Degree, Court of Amaranth. As my journey continued, I served as Secretary, Treasurer and Most Ancient Matron of Queen Mary Ct #5, Heroines of Jericho. I served as Treasurer and Second Chief Counselor in River City #1, Lady Knight of Templar. I served as Most Worthy Vice Grand Matron and am currently the Most Worthy Grand Matron of Eureka Ct #4, Daughters of Sphnix. I also served as Second Mistress and currently the Secretary of Taphatha Palace, Royal Ladies Palace. I continue to serve selflessly and assist readily in all houses where needed.

On a Grand level, I have had the pleasure of serving in several elected positions, such as Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer and Grand Worthy Matron of Mt. Moriah Grand Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. I have also served as Grand Royal Associate Matron and Grand Royal Matron of Mt. Moriah Grand Royal Court of Amaranth. I currently hold the office of Grand Worthy Matron for Nellie Dowdy Grand Chapter of Tennesse.


In July of 2010, I was elected as Supreme Grand Royal Treasurer of the Supreme Grand Royal Court of Amaranth where I still serve to this date. On August 12, 2019, I had the distinct honor of being selected the first Supreme Grand Royal Perfect Matron of the Supreme Grand Royal Ladies Circle of Perfection. In 2022, I was appointed Supreme Deputy for the Supreme Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho and elected the Supreme Grand Financial Secretary for Meridian Royal Ladies Palace. 

I pride myself in being a team player. My focus is to assist the Supreme Grand Royal Court, Ladies Circle of Perfection with its forward movement in sustaining the sacred rules and regulations of this Supreme Court with Faith and Fidelity. I aim to provide the needed guidance and mentorship required. Sisterhood and Teamwork is my mission.

Supreme Grand Court Officers
*Indicates Appointed Position

Supreme Grand Royal Perfect Matron

Supreme Grand Royal Chief Advisor

Supreme Grand Royal Deputy Matron

Supreme Grand Royal Principal Conductress

First Chief Advisor

Second Chief Advisor

Supreme Grand Royal Associate Conductress

Supreme Grand Royal Treasurer

Supreme Grand Royal Secretary

*Supreme Grand Royal Corresponding Secretary

Supreme Grand Royal Conductress of Ceremonies

*Supreme Grand Royal Marshal (East)

*Supreme Grand Royal Marshall (West)

Supreme Grand Royal Steward

*Supreme Grand Royal Chaplain

*Supreme Grand Royal Attendant

Supreme Grand Royal Sentinel


R.M. Meredith J. Beach

Companion Barry Hunter

R.M. Heather Fair

R.M. Felita Johnson-Adams

Companion Louis Rogers

Companion Michael Watts

R.M. Angela K. Doyne

R.M. Willette Watts

R.M. Marcia Byrd

R.M. Ebony Spencer-Geddis

R.M. Wanda Nichols

R.M. Victoria Dennis

R.M. Linda Leapheart

R.M. Celeste Jefferson

R.M. Rosalind Sharp

R.M Jacqueline Nash

Companion Norman Clark

State of Tennessee

State of New York

State of New York

State of Illinois

State pf New York

State of Texas

State of Tennessee

State of Texas

State of Illinois

State of Illinois

State of New York

State of Ohio

State of Texas

State of New York

State of Ohio

State of Tennessee

State of Illinois

Grand Councils

Genesis Grand Royal Court

Nubia Grand Royal Court

Chicago, Illinois

New York

Subordinate Courts

Queen Elizabeth No. 1

Genesis Court No. 1

Queen Amina Court No. 1

Queen Nefertari Court No. 12

Queen Diane Court No. 12

Zipporah Court No. 1

Queen Maked Court No. 2

Queen Nandi Court No. 3

Miriam Court No. 1

Makeda Court No. 1

Noa Court No. 3

Hoglah Court No. 4

Tirzah Court No.1

State of Arkansas

State of Illinois

State of Illinois

State of Illinois

State of Michigan

State of New York

State of New York

State of New York

State of Ohio

State of Tennessee

State of Texas

State of Texas

State of Texas


R.M Meredith J. Beach

P.O. Box 1772

Little Rock Arkansas 72203

Phone 501-301-4624


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